Wednesday, 24 April 2013

High Court to rule over abolition of disabled Independent Living Fund

A challenge over the government’s decision to scrap a scheme that helps some disabled people live independently will be ruled on today at the High Court.

Five disabled people haved mounted the challenge, including a man from Walthamstow.

Their lawyers are asking Mr Justice Blake, sitting in London, to declare “unlawful” the consultation process that led to the proposed axing of the £320million Independent Living Fund (ILF).

One of the five applicants for judicial review is Gabriel Pepper, from Walthamstow, who accused the government of imposing “appalling cuts” which were “a vicious attack on the disabled”.

Campaigners from all over the country, many in wheelchairs, attended the hearing of the case at the Royal Courts of Justice in March.

The five are among 19,000 people who currently receive money from the ILF, which the government plans to scrap in 2015. The average pay-out is £300 a week per recipient.

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